Auditory brain stimulation according to the principles of Prof. Tomatis requires specific equipment and accessories.
The Mozart Brain Activator and the MBL APP System have been developed in-house at MBL. Naturally, thanks to innovative brain diagnostics, scientific research, and many years of experience, MBL will continue to improve future therapy devices.
A price list is available upon request. Please note that only MBL-licensed therapists are authorized to purchase our therapy devices.
MBL App system​
When playing music and mother voice, it is important to use the correct format. You should never use second-rate sound quality to stimulate the brain. For example the MP3 format compresses the data to cram as much information as possible into the minimum of space, leading to loss of quality. This would negatively affect the results.
That is why we work with 24-bit/48kHz, which is only possible with special equipment. Doing the therapy at home is not a good idea, given the technical limitations of portable devices and the important advisory role of a therapist as well as the support of a center.
TLTS Audiometer​
We perform the psychological listening test with the same equipment as audiologists, but with a different calibration. In fact, we do not measure how well one hears (the hearing mechanism), but how well one listens (brain - psyche).
Our audiometers are built by Interaccoustics in Denmark and calibrated by Lapperre Sonova in Belgium. A calibration must be done every two years to ensure the integrity of the listening test's measurements.
Pricing and orders
Contact us for detailed prices or for more information about the devices.